Continuous Education Seminar in Implant Dentistry


    Seminar  specially designed for General Dentists from the departments of Periodontology Oral surgery and Prosthodontics of the Dental School, at Athens National and Kapodestrian University. The total duration of a year-long course was 21 days/150 hours departed at 16 weekends and 3 phases. We were responsible to find a patient for this course. The first theoretical phase referred to the implant therapy and the diagnostic value of dental scan. At the second phase we had presentation of the most documented by bibliography, implant systems (REPLACE, ITISTRAUMANN, 31, XIVE DENTSPLY). Theoretical and hands-on training at all the systems (surgical phase at plastic jaws, surgical phase at pork jaws, prosthetic phase at plastic models at fixed cemented, fixed screwed and removable prefabricated cases) and 2 additional hands on seminars at soft tissue management and placement of graft at a pork jaw and a second one referred to close sinus lift technique at plastic model training kit. At the third phase, we had clinical training (surgical phase with us as main surgeons, with assistance of fellow student and presence of professor, and prosthetic rehabilitation. During this long distance phase we had a lot of theoretical seminars most of them referred to case analysis and specific subjects. My cases had to do with placement of 2 replace implants at the lower jaw and an over denture supported on them with attachments and at two well periodontal supported and endodontically treated premolars.

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